
Visual Studio for Mac begins support for Team Foundation Version Control

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Mi­crosoft an­nounced the re­lease of Vi­sual Stu­dio for Mac one year ago. It il­log­i­cally sup­ported Git in­stead of TFVC. Vi­sual Stu­dio sup­ports Git since 2014 so ab­so­lute ma­jor­ity of projects are con­trolled un­der TFVC. Vi­sual Stu­dio Team Ser­vices are also price friendly be­cause GitHub wants de­vel­op­ers charge for pri­vate repos­i­to­ries.

TFVS in Vi­sual Stu­dio for Mac is still in pre­view but it al­ready can re­place Team Ex­plorer Ev­ery­where for Eclipse or TFS ex­ten­sion for Visual Stu­dio Code. It is very con­ve­nient to have ver­sion con­trol em­bed­ded into IDE and don’t need to launch sep­arate app which isn’t in­deed very pro­duc­tive.

Visual Studio

Prior to get the lat­est ver­sion you must in­stall the ex­ten­sion, con­nect to VSTS and cre­ate a works­pace:

Sup­port for TFVC was the sec­ond most re­quested im­prove­ment for Vi­sual Stu­dio for Mac ac­cord­ing to User­Voice. Good to see Mi­crosoft re­sponded quite quickly.