
UWP NuGet package updated to version 5.3.0

, 3 minutes to read

Win­dows Uni­ver­sal Plat­form de­vel­op­ers can see an up­date of the plat­form NuGet pack­age. The ver­sion 5.2.2 was up­dated to 5.3.0. How­ever, this up­date causes more is­sues than it ac­tu­ally solves. I rec­om­mend to halt the up­date and wait for at least one month.

The first prob­lem is that this pack­age re­quires an up­date to Vi­sual Stu­dio 2017 which is not re­leased yet.

The Mi­crosoft.Net.Na­tive.Com­piler pack­age, in­cluded in Mi­crosoft.NET­Core.Uni­ver­sal­Win­dows­Plat­form 5.3 and later, is only sup­ported in Vi­sual Stu­dio 2017 and later. You can down­grade the ver­sion of the Mi­crosoft.NET­Core.Uni­ver­sal­Win­dows­Pla­torm NuGet pack­age to 5.2.* or ear­lier for Vi­sual Stu­dio 2015.

The sec­ond prob­lem is that Win­dows Dev Cen­ter re­jects ap­pli­ca­tions which are us­ing the lat­est pack­age.

This sub­mis­sion failed with er­ror code(s) 1201.

The pack­age is ev­i­dently not ready for pro­duc­tion us­age and should be marked is a pr­e­re­lease. Un­for­tu­nately, it isn’t. Ev­ery Vi­sual Stu­dio should be care­fully planned be­cause ev­ery project de­pends on it. Specif­i­cally, projects de­pend on SDKs which de­pends on a spe­cific Vi­sual Stu­dio ver­sion. For ex­am­ple, a project de­vel­oped for Win­dows Phone 7.5 re­quires a Win­dows Phone 7.1 SDK which is not com­pat­i­ble with both Win­dows 10 and Vi­sual Stu­dio 2015, which are nec­es­sary for the de­vel­op­ment of UWP apps. Some­one could ar­gue that Win­dows Phone Sil­verlight app should be defini­tively up­dated to newer plat­form. That’s true, but it has a fi­nan­cial im­pact. Cre­at­ing a vir­tual ma­chine with le­gacy en­vi­ron­ment is usu­ally less ex­pen­sive. Just be sure that vir­tu­al­iza­tion tech­nol­ogy of your choice is com­pat­i­ble with Hy­per-V, be­cause Win­dows Phone em­u­la­tors re­quires Hy­per-V to be en­abled.

The 5.3.0 ver­sion of Uni­ver­sal­Win­dows­Plat­form pack­age a is part of wider up­date which in­clude Vi­sual Stu­dio 2017 and .NET Na­tive 1.6 (the 5.2.0 ver­sion is based on the .NET Na­tive 1.4). You should move to this ver­sion af­ter mi­gra­tion to Vi­sual Stu­dio 2017 and af­ter an an­nounce­ment that the Win­dows Dev Cen­ter al­lows a sub­mis­sion of an apps based on .NET Na­tive 1.6.