
Upcoming breaking change in Service Fabric 6.5

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Re­mov­ing node state will not be pos­si­ble when the node is a seed node since Ser­vice Fab­ric 6.5. It will be nec­es­sary to con­vert the seed node into a non-seed node prior to node state re­moval. It is not yet known how to con­vert seed nodes into non-seed nodes. It will be pos­si­ble opt-out from this lim­i­ta­tion in the clus­ter con­fig­u­ra­tion. De­tailed gui­d­ance will be avai­l­able when the Ser­vice Fab­ric ver­sion 6.5 is re­leased.

Re­lease notes ex­plain the rea­son of this change:

A Ser­vice Fab­ric clus­ter re­quires a quo­rum of seed nodes to be up. If a quo­rum of seed nodes is not up, the clus­ter goes down. Node state re­moval erases the node from the databases of all Ser­vice Fab­ric sys­tem ser­vices, in­clud­ing the health man­age­ment ser­vice. As a re­sult, when the node state is re­moved, the health man­age­ment ser­vice re­moves all the er­ror events as­so­ci­ated with that node. This in­cludes the er­ror event which pre­vi­ously no­ti­fied the user that a seed node in the clus­ter is down. There­fore, the down seed node re­mains un­no­ticed and the clus­ter to ap­pear healthy even though it is not. For this rea­son, node state re­moval of seed nodes will be disal­lowed.