

Xcode is too new

De­spite the fact I only use Vi­sual Stu­dio to edit Xa­marin.iOS project files I ex­pe­ri­enced the si­t­u­a­tion when Vi­sual Stu­dio un­ex­pect­edly thought I used Xcode. More­over, Vi­sual Stu­dio broke my project be­cause it did not al­low me to use an iOS De­signer. Iron­i­cally the sto­ry­board file was cre­ated in ear­lier ver­sion of Vi­sual Stu­dio. My first at­tempt to workaround this bug was suc­cess­ful and here is how I you can do it too. Read more ›


Thoughts on Visual Studio for Mac Preview

Vi­sual Stu­dio for Mac is a promis­ing project, but it still needs to in­cor­po­rate sev­eral nec­es­sary func­tion­al­i­ties. The instal­la­tion is dif­fi­cult and the main ad­van­tage of the Xa­marin plat­form is still in de­vel­op­ment. Read more ›