

UWP will become WinUI 3, surpassing WPF and WinRT

The lat­est and great­est tech­nol­ogy have been, ac­cord­ing to Mi­crosoft’s mar­ket­ing state­ments, Uni­ver­sal Win­dows Plat­form. The rea­son for that was the need for a sin­gle run­time for mo­bile de­vices, tablets, and desk­tops. Un­til re­cently. Sur­face Duo will stick with An­droid and Win­dows de­vel­op­ment is ex­pe­ri­enc­ing a roll­back. Cur­rent UWP apps will no longer be eligible to dis­tri­bu­tion via Mi­crosoft Store. Only those based on Win­dows App SDK will see the green light. Read more ›


The latest Windows 10 SDKs is all you need

When you are de­vel­op­ing UWP apps you mostly tar­get lower Win­dows 10 ver­sion than that you have cur­rently in­stalled. Ev­ery Win­dows 10 ver­sion has its own SDK. It is not a re­quire­ment to have in­stalled the SDK that matches tar­get min ver­sion. The di­a­log will show all re­leased SDK ver­sions that are less than or equal to the tar­get plat­form ver­sion, re­gard­less of whether they are in­stalled or not. Read more ›


Earthquake behind the UWP

Dur­ing Mi­crosoft Build 2019 con­fer­ence many peo­ple asked about the fu­ture of UWP be­cause there were very few ses­sions ded­i­cated to it. It may look like noth­ing new is hap­pen­ing, but the op­po­site is the truth. Mi­crosoft is chang­ing ar­chi­tec­ture of the whole stack. The vi­sual layer is be­ing de­cou­pled from the op­er­at­ing sys­tem and ahead-of-time com­piler with .NET im­ple­men­ta­tion are be­ing merged with .NET Core. Things are mov­ing for­ward. Read more ›


Comparison of databases for UWP apps: SQLite, Realm & LiteDB

Ob­ject ori­ented ap­pli­ca­tions usu­ally needs ob­ject ori­ented stor­age. Re­la­tions are good at map­ping poin­t­ers but many tech­ni­cal lim­i­ta­tions are hid­den un­der doc­u­men­ta­tion crust. It is not easy to choose the right database tech­nol­ogy be­cause pros are writ­ten ev­ery­where and cons are spread across many GitHub is­sues. It is like buy­ing a new car. You know the price, power and fuel con­sump­tion but you must in­quire into re­li­a­bil­ity and main­te­nance costs. Read more ›


Important hotfix for Windows 10 SDK 10.0.15063

When you up­grade Win­dows 10 to ver­sion 1703 build 15063.13, you can also up­date Vi­sual Stu­dio to 2017 ver­sion 15.1 and in­stall Win­dows SDK 10.0.15063. How­ever, the lat­est bits are not enough and you must ap­ply one hot­fix to keep the abil­ity of cre­at­ing ap­pli­ca­tion pack­ages which are uploaded to Win­dows Dev Cen­ter. Read more ›


Using HockeyApp analytics in mobile applications

Pro­gram er­rors are un­avoid­able. No one un­der­s­tands to ev­ery sin­gle line of a frame­work or an op­er­at­ing sys­tem. The oper­at­ing sys­tem can­not af­fect a bat­tery level or net­work over­load. Reach­ing a high avai­l­abil­ity is a pro­cess in which feed­back pro­vides an ir­re­place­able role. Read more ›


UWP NuGet package updated to version 5.3.0

Win­dows Uni­ver­sal Plat­form de­vel­op­ers can see an up­date of the plat­form NuGet pack­age. The ver­sion 5.2.2 was up­dated to 5.3.0. How­ever, this up­date causes more is­sues than it ac­tu­ally solves. I rec­om­mend to halt the up­date and wait for at least one month. Read more ›