
office 2013

How to disable office clipboard

Of­fice Clip­board is a se­cu­rity threat be­cause it stores pass­words copied from pass­word man­agers for a long time, so pro­ten­tional at­tacker can see your pass­words in a mo­ment when you are not check­ing your com­puter. Even worse, this fea­ture is en­abled by de­fault af­ter an of­fice up­date is in­stalled. The sec­ond in­con­ve­nience is a blink­ing yel­low rect­an­gle in the bot­tom right cor­ner of the screen which is dis­rup­tive dur­ing cod­ing in Vi­sual Stu­dio. Read more ›

office 2013

Calendar sharing suddenly discontinued in Outlook.com

Cal­en­dar shar­ing is no longer sup­ported in Out­look.com. It started as an up­grade and tem­po­rally break, but half a year later, af­ter con­tact­ing a Mi­crosoft sup­port, noth­ing has solved and the loss of cal­endar shar­ing seems to be per­ma­nent. Read more ›