
The latest Windows 10 SDKs is all you need

, 2 minutes to read

When you are de­vel­op­ing UWP apps you mostly tar­get lower Win­dows 10 ver­sion than that you have cur­rently in­stalled. Ev­ery Win­dows 10 ver­sion has its own SDK. It is not a re­quire­ment to have in­stalled the SDK that matches tar­get min ver­sion. The di­a­log will show all re­leased SDK ver­sions that are less than or equal to the tar­get plat­form ver­sion, re­gard­less of whether they are in­stalled or not.

In ad­di­tion, Vi­sual Stu­dio In­staller does not de­tect Win­dows 10 SDKs al­ready in­stalled on your sys­tem. It suggests that Win­dows 10 SDKs are in­stalled per each Vi­sual Stu­dio which is not true. Win­dows 10 SDKs are shared by all Vi­sual Stu­dio in­stal­la­tions. You must check them man­u­ally but re­quired space will not in­crease. This means that af­ter you up­grade to Vi­sual Stu­dio 2019 you can over­look you have still in­stalled older Win­dows 10 SDKs which oc­cupy your disk space.


Target version

Tar­get ver­sion is the high­est ver­sion of Win­dows 10 you sup­port. Your app can use API con­tracts avai­l­able in this ver­sion of Win­dows 10. You can only choose from ver­sions which cor­re­sponds with Win­dows 10 SDKs you have in­stalled.

You can down­load old Win­dows 10 SDKs from Win­dows SDK and em­u­la­tor archive. If you in­stall them Vi­sual Stu­dio 2019 will rec­og­nize them.

Min version

Your UWP app can be back­ward com­pat­i­ble with older Win­dows 10 ver­sions. When you choose the min­i­mal ver­sion you tar­get, you must

which were in­tro­duced in the higher Win­dows 10 ver­sion. Of course, you can still se­lec­tively ex­e­cute dif­fer­ent code de­pend­ing on Win­dows 10 ver­sion your ap­pli­ca­tion runs on. This mech­a­nism guar­an­tees you that your app will not be in­stalled on sys­tem lower than the min­i­mal ver­sion.

The di­a­log in project prop­er­ties does not up­date Tar­get­De­vice­Fam­ily your ap­px­man­i­fest file. I highly rec­om­mend up­dat­ing it man­u­ally to match the set­t­ings in the di­a­log.